Sik, Kedah




In the previous discussion with Sik Parliamentary Representative, it is comprehended that the students from Sik achieved significantly lower than those in urban schools. This is because students from rural areas suffer from disadvantages of effective methods of teaching, resources and academic exposure.

Particularly during this pandemic, the students in Sik are not completely equipped with utilities like fast internet, uninterrupted power supply and electronic devices. Even though there have been improvements in terms of basic infrastructural facilities by the government, many students are still struggling with challenges to access education fully digital or online.

Therefore, by introducing this empowering and mentoring program, it is hoped that the target groups will benefit and sustain the benefit by transferring the knowledge and skills to other students. Participants will be monitored by mentors and facilitated by university students who are currently staying in Sik community. Participants will go through a series of workshops and involve in small-group mentoring. Mentors will run three series of workshops and biweekly group online mentoring.

Participants will be nominated by the school’s teachers and the program will collaborate with Sik District Education Office (Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Sik).

The solution provider of this project is the School of Applied Psychology, Social Work and Policy. The project duration is four months with an allocation of RM40,000.00. The main SDG impacted through this solution project is Goal 4 – Quality Education.



Sik residents can seize the opportunity to participate in Napier Grass Planting Projects and training to produce cheap, quality and competitive livestock feed products. In 2030, there will be an increase in cattle and goats that can be a food supply to the people without relying entirely on imported products.

The project solution for the community in Kg Belantik and Kg Kota Aus ensures participants produce cheap, quality and competitive animal feed products. The project solution aims to introduce Napier grass as one of the inexpensive livestock products. Participants will be taught to produce Napier grass, including weed control, as well as harvesting.

The main objective of this project is to supply high quality and cheap food to cattle and goat farmers for the local market in particular and the national market in general. Apart from that, this project will also benefit the vacant lands around Sik sub-district as well as make it one of the additional sources of income for the members of the Tasik Gubir Inland Fishermen Association in particular the residents of Sik sub-district in general.

This project solution benefits 35 fisherman families and the solution provider of this project is Persatuan Nelayan Darat Tasik Gubir, Sik. The project duration is three months with an allocation of RM38,600.00.

The main SDGs impacted through this solution project are Goal 2 – End hunger, achieve better food and nutrition security and promote sustainable agriculture.



The main purpose of the organization of this project solution is to help the poor residents of Kampung Lintang by spreading knowledge on how to grow rice organically. Efforts to produce organic crops have been well received by the residents of Sik. This is because, organic crop products have a high market demand at home and abroad. However, at this point, the production of organic crops from Sik, is still unable to meet market demand. With the availability of large land resources in Sik, the way of organic rice cultivation and orchards will ensure the sustainability of the environment and the agricultural sector in Sik in the long run. Moreover, the problem of lack of job opportunities is a big problem, especially to the children of Sik. One of the main reasons is because most of the areas in Sik are rural areas.

The project will introduce several activities, for example an introduction to the meaning and potential of organic crops, an introduction to the manufacture of organic fertilizers, how to control insects and sowing seeds. This project solution will benefit 16 male participants, aged between 18 – 30 years old who were interested in organic farming and had their own land. This project aims to provide organic cultivation training. The training and knowledge provided can provide an opportunity for participants to gain knowledge that can generate income in the future. Organic farming will also generate environmental sustainability.

Not just the employment opportunities be expanded, but this project is also able to expand the potential of Sik to produce organic crops that can meet the high market demand in or outside the country. The solution provider of this project is Sri Lovely Organic Farm Sdn Bhd. The project duration is one month with an allocation of RM39,520.00.

The main SDGs impacted through this solution project is Goal 1 – End poverty in all its form everywhere, Goal 8 – Promote sustainable, inclusive and economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all and Goal 12 – Ensure sustainable consumption and production pattern.