Solution Projects in Selangau


Project description

Long Beyak has the potential to expand as a chilli fertigation plant area as one of the alternatives to increase their socio-economic field. Participants can seize the opportunity to participate in this gardening program to develop their self-potential.

The skill improvement project in gardening using the fertigation method is a method of cultivation that does not use land. Fertigation has several advantages over conventional cultivation methods or systems that use soil. Among them is that this system can be practised in areas that are not suitable for normal cultivation such as acidic soils. Then, faster crops produce better quality, cleaner crops and less threat from pesticides. Gardeners do not need to weed, water or plough. Gardeners can use water and fertilizer in a controlled and more effective manner.

The project improves the skills and develops these farming methods as well as increases the number of modern gardeners. Production of yields can also be increased by improving existing cultivation methods. Later, participants were able to expand their basic knowledge and skills in modern gardening. This project can also expand the chilli fertigation planting project as an income-generating career.

Beneficiaries of this project solution are expected to be 30 men and women consisting of local residents, age range of 18 years and above. The solution provider of this project is Syarikat Naga Selangau. The project duration is three months with an allocation of RM40,000.00.

The main SDGs impacted through this solution project are Goal 1 – No Poverty, Goal 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth, and Goal 5 – Gender Equality.


Project description

Ng Woh has the potential to expand as a chilli fertigation plant area as one of the alternatives to increase their socio-economic field. Participants can seize the opportunity to participate in this gardening program to develop their self-potential.

The skill improvement project in gardening using the fertigation method is a method of cultivation that does not use land. Fertigation has several advantages over conventional cultivation methods or systems that use soil. Among them is that this system can be practised in areas that are not suitable for normal cultivation such as acidic soils. Then, faster crops produce better quality, cleaner crops and less threat from pesticides. Gardeners do not need to weed, water or plough. Gardeners can use water and fertilizer in a controlled and more effective manner.

The project improves the skills and develops these farming methods as well as increases the number of modern gardeners. Production of yields can also be increased by improving existing cultivation methods. Later, participants were able to expand their basic knowledge and skills in modern gardening. This project can also expand the chilli fertigation planting project as an income-generating career.

Beneficiaries of this project solution are expected to be 30 men and women consisting of local residents, age range of 18 years and above. The solution provider of this project is Syarikat Naga Selangau. The project duration is three months with an allocation of RM40,000.00.

The main SDGs impacted through this solution project are Goal 1 – No Poverty, Goal 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth, and Goal 5 – Gender Equality.


Project description

The purpose of this project solution in Daerah Selangau is to improve the skills of the participants in handicrafts. This is due to handicraft art having a cultural or traditional appeal that allows the products to be industrialized to a higher level.

The presence of the handicraft industry can diversify economic activities in the country. Moreover, this project can form a society that is creative, innovative and has a high spirit. Employment opportunities can also be increased among the community, especially the rural population. The project activity is the implementation of seven handicraft modules that cover the basics of the introduction and preparation of handicraft materials.

The handicraft industry method in the skills improvement project is expected to increase the level of understanding in recognizing heritage and culture through the design concept of a form of handicraft. This will definitely improve the socio-economic status and increase the income of entrepreneurs or participants of this course. In maximizing the rate of profit earned, this concept will definitely use each space more efficiently. This is also a sign of support for the government’s efforts in improving the handicraft industry.

Appoint an instructor, Hii Pi, that experienced in making handicrafts such as weaving baskets, handbags and wallets using multi-coloured strings. Individual recipients / participants are expected to be in the group of 100 people who are local residents, aged 18 years and above. Participants will be divided into 5 groups of 20 people per course session. Participants are from Amanah Iktihar Malaysia (AIM) and are open to other interested single mothers/women.

The solution provider of this project is Syarikat Naga Selangau. The project duration is three months with an allocation of RM40,000.00. The main SDGs impacted through this solution project are Goal 1 – No Poverty, Goal 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth and Goal 5 – Gender Equality.