Libaran, Sabah



Project description

One of the issues in the Libaran Parliament is the group of single mothers and housewives who find it difficult to find jobs due to a lack of high qualifications and skills. In addition, the role that single mothers have to play and the stigma from the surrounding society affect their psychosocial well-being, physical health and economy.

Therefore, the program solution is designed based on two strategies. First, organize workshops for single mothers and housewives on awareness of single mothers about their legal rights, stress management and even leadership. The workshop will be conducted online and all instructors or speakers from the Sandakan district. Second, organize entrepreneurship workshops to improve the skills and knowledge of single mothers and housewives to venture into entrepreneurship

The products produced by the participants will be marketed directly to retail stores, and weekly markets, and also marketed online at E-pasar Sabah (PERDIKS), Facebook, and others.

The solution project funded by the APPGM-SDG can empower housewives and single mothers in the field of entrepreneurship to increase women’s equality through participation in the economy, which in turn can strengthen resilience in terms of mental, health and a sustainable economy.

The project is to benefit 45 participants which consist of 25 single mothers (B40, no permanent job, aged between 25- 45 years) and 20 housewives (B40, no permanent job, aged between 20-45 years).

The solution provider of this project is Mimbar Permuafakatan Ibu bapa Malaysia (MAPIM) Daerah. The project duration is five months with an allocation of RM40,000.00.


Project description

Unemployment among youths and poverty in Pulau Nunuyan Libaran are issues that need to be addressed. This is due to the reliance on traditional fishing activities, transportation issues, and others. All fishing families are low-income and limited to catch sales.

As such, this project will explore the potential of seafood-based downstream activities. The focus of this project is on the youth and some skills training is provided to ensure the readiness of the participants as a trader and entrepreneurs of seafood-based products.

At the end of the project, participants will be directly involved in the production of seafood-based products and marketing the products. Apart from economic issues, the issue of garbage is a major issue of Nunuyan Island. Therefore, to produce sustainable and responsible youths, this project will also hold training and workshops on solid waste management for youths in Pulau Nunuyan.

The solution provider of this project is PERTUBUHAN INSPIRASI PRIHATIN SABAH. The project duration is five months with an allocation of RM40,000.00.

The main SDGs impacted through this solution project are SDG 1 – End poverty in all its forms everywhere, SDG 4 – Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, SDG 8 – Promote sustainable, inclusive and economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, SDG 12 – Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns and SDG 17 – Strengthen implementation and revitalize global partnerships for sustainable development.


Project description

Poverty among single mothers and youths who lost their jobs due to pandemics in the Libaran Parliament is an issue that needs to be addressed. The absence of adequate economic centres, for example, guest markets and the knowledge and base of business renders them unable to afford to get out of the cocoon of poverty.

The project will provide start-up kits (movable stalls) to participants and traders. Skills training are also provided to ensure the readiness of the participants as a trader and entrepreneurs. In addition, to ensure income sustainability, this project will create an E-Market page (Shopee, Facebook) for the economic centre so that traders can sell online. This project will help participants to obtain a business license.

The skills training funded by the APPGM-SDG can help establish Small Economy Centers (Periodic/Scheduled & online) and provide skills training to those affected by the Covid-19 pandemic to ensure their survival, promote and develop sustainable economic resilience, and manage a sustainable economic centre.

The project is to benefit 20 participants consisting of 10 single mothers (20-40 years old) and 10 people from the lower B40 group and youths affected by losing their source of income from PKP (20-40 years). The solution provider of this project is Mimbar Permuafakatan Ibu bapa Malaysia (MAPIM) Daerah Sandakan. The project duration is five months with an allocation of RM40,000.00.

The main SDGs impacted through this solution project are Goal 1 – End poverty in all its forms everywhere, Goal 4 – Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, and Goal 8 – Promote sustainable, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, Goal 9 – Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Goal 12 – Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns and Goal 17 – Strengthen implementation and revitalize global partnerships for sustainable development.