Kubang Pasu, Kedah



Project description

The program, which titled as ‘Reducing Inequalities through Entrepreneurship’ at Kubang Pasu primarily aims at providing self-employment and sustainable living income to young female of B40 groups to reduce inequalities in income.


Those selected will undergo a training to support and empower them to kick start their business. The training modules covers Personality Test, Mind shift and Self-Development, Marketing Online and Basic Financial management. The whole process will incorporate pre and post analysis for the purpose of impact assessment. It enables the service provider to suggest and to come up with some up-skilling program to these women.


The specific objectives are to assist the development of entrepreneurial skills, self-confidence, self-reliance and influencing capability. This project also helps to stimulate entrepreneurial activities through online business skills and introduction of social entrepreneurships. Lastly, the participants will get exposure of knowledge necessary in funding, management and financial technique to create ‘champions’ among young women entrepreneurs through training of trainers.


The project is to benefit female youth (aged 18-40 years) who want to explore more seriously the field of entrepreneurship as a career of choice and a living income, having own products/services or specific skill to sell/deliver/market; or at least business idea/plan, comes from B40 families, live in rural areas from DUN Jitra and DUN Bukit Kayu Hitam.


The solution provider of this project is Pertubuhan Kesedaran Wanita Kedah (PKWK). The project duration is four months with an allocation of RM40,000.00.


The main SDGs impacted through this solution project is Goal 10 – To reduce inequalities in income.


Project description

Drug abuse is rampant in Kampung Aman Jitra, Kampung Huma and Kampong Ladang Satu, and even in other villages in the Kubang Pasu district. The problem with this drug is the cause from attitude of parents, adolescents and youth does not have knowledge of the early signs of addiction, the effects of abuse and the early steps that can be taken before the person involved becomes severe and difficult to help.

This #lebihbaikcegah information dissemination project will use various face-to-face or online mediums in an interesting way where this project also involves other NGOs such as the Kubang Pasu District AADK Squad and other NGOs. This prevention program will involve NGOs to use various face-to-face mediums to address the increasing number of drug cases in Kubang Pasu.

With these projects and initiatives organized, the problem of drug addiction can be prevented, especially among adolescents and youth. This project can also help parents or families to detect drug problems at an earlier stage. This is to ensure that drug problems can be prevented at an early stage. In addition, the project also focuses and helps those involved with drugs to recover and gives awareness to them to improve their identity through religious learning.

The solution provider of this project is Jawatankuasa Pemulihan Dadah Daerah Kubang Pasu (NGO). The project duration is four months with an allocation of RM40,000.00.

The main SDGs impacted through this solution project is Goal 3 – To ensure a healthy and encouraging life.


Project description

Malaysia will be an old country in 2030. The application of the values of love, responsibility and understanding of the problems of the elderly among the people must be translated as a whole.

Respect voluntarily and willing to serve without pay or on self-awareness should be sown and nurtured among young people, especially those who are highly educated and working and have a place in society so that it becomes an icon or idol through “LEADERSHIP THROUGH ROLE MODEL”.

With this seminar organized, issues and problems related to the elderly will be raised to find solutions. In the way provided, namely meetings, briefing sessions and also Zoom Meeting, participants and trainees can gather views and implementation ideas in addressing the issues raised.

Furthermore, this project can create a caring community for the elderly and can foster a spirit of awareness and respect starting from home.

The project is to benefit community leaders / NGO leaders / tribal leaders, IPT students / upper secondary students, academics and members of the public and private services, and open to men and women of various races and ethnicities.

The solution provider of this project is Pertubuhan Kebajikan Warga Emas Langkasuka, Kubang Pasu (PEWARIS). The project duration is two days with an allocation of RM20,000.00.


The main SDGs impacted through this solution project is Goal 3: Ensure a healthy life and promote well -being at all ages.


Project description

The program aims to provide feasibility study, and development model for the renewal development of Kampung Jitra (via results of socio-economic census of informal settlers, city visits, FGD with identified Key Stakeholders) by focusing on SDGs 17 and 11.

The proactive solutions to redevelop the area with the collaborations of key stakeholders to provide inclusive and feasible development and enabling them to fulfill rights to land, housing and basic services.

The socio-economic census data of informal settles in Kampung Aman might give an insight on the current condition and way forward for all parties in sustaining the economic, social and environmental issues. These activities will also provide site visit, brainstorming on precedent studies, data analysis and report writing.

The project is to benefit Informal settlers of Kampung Aman (identified 158 units of premises but not sure how many households per premise), community leaders/JPKK and landowners.

The solution provider of this project is School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia. The project duration is three months with an allocation of RM20,000.00.

The main SDGs impacted through this solution project is Goal 11 – Sustainable Communities and Cities (Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable).