Batu Kawan, Pulau pinang



Project description

Women and youth in Bukit Tengah and Bukit Tambun, Seberang Perai, will stand to gain from Project RANY and Project MUDA, which will help strengthen the economies and build a better life.

Project RANY is specially designed to create better community by empowering women economically through skills training; Bouquet Course and Business Management Course. These trainings will create women entrepreneur which can upgrade their lifestyle and access to financial freedom.

Project MUDA is specially designed to introduce and create better community by empowering youth economically through Business Management Course. Creating new and skilled youth entrepreneur to involve in business world can upgrade their income.

The trainings provided in this program can help both women and men to upgrade their income to a better lifestyle. This will lead the youth, women and younger generation to improve on strengthening the economy and to have a quality livelihood. By living a better life, they can upgrade their selves to be more independent and to lead a respected life.

The solution provider of this project is Pertubuhan Pembangunan Wanita Tamarai Pulau Pinang.

The project duration is three months with an allocation of RM30,140.00. The main SDGs impacted through this solution project are Goal 8 – Decent work & Economic Growth and Goal 5 – Achieve gender and equality and empower all women and girls.


Project description

The solution project is one that will convert an idle piece of land that was a haven for drug addicts and alcoholics who used it as dumping ground, into a sustainable farming place which is intended to provide basic skills training for those interested in farming, and to cultivate responsibility on the neighborhood.

The harvest from the community farming will serve to provide vegetables and fruits for those who are in the B40 category and for the rest to be able to generate some income for them.

The activities that will be conducted during the five months are including trainings for site clearance, fixing up wood fences, harvesting, seeding and replant new vegetables.

This program is intending to provide sustainable income and assist the participants to start selling the vegetables and fruits. This program also exposes and address the issue of urban poverty, particularly in times of pandemic now to ensure there is supply of vegetables and fruits when supply could be disrupted.

This program funded by APPGM-SDG will empower residents to generate their own income by selling the harvest from the project.

The project is to benefit retirees, unemployed, farmers and youths. The solution provider of this project is Persatuan Penduduk Taman Murai Jaya. The project duration is five months with an allocation of RM26,000.00. The main SDGs impacted through this solution project is Goal 1 – No poverty.


Project description

Finding reveals that there are so many challenges working against youth especially in Teluk Indah neighborhood namely lack of leadership guidance, lack of necessary infrastructure, dysfunctional families and more.

Therefore, empowering, strengthening and including young people in leadership roles will reduce crime, drugs abuse and unemployment. This will lead to a better society, a better neighborhood and better nation.

Thus, education is a key to a better society, a better county and a better world. Therefore, this program which is funded by APPGM-SDG will implement on education and skills training besides other components of leadership.

The project is to benefit 35 young people between the ages of 7 to 12 years old and another 40 young people between the ages of 13 to 18 years (total 75) from the neighborhood of Flat Teluk Indah E1 &E2 and their families.

The solution provider of this project is Persatuan Perkasaan Sosial & Pembangunan Perusahaan Perai, Pulau Pinang. The project duration is three months with an allocation of RM28,050.00.

The main SDGs impacted through this solution project is Goal 4 – Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all and Goal 8 – Promote sustainable, inclusive and economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.


Project description

This solution project will be focusing on the refugee communities residing in the Batu Kawan (mainland in Penang) that consists of approximately 3,500-4,000 refugees.

This community is living precariously with no rights to access to government schools, to access low-cost health care services or legal employment. They are regularly exposed to arrests and detention due to no legal documents, aside from UNHCR cards which provide limited protection or benefits. Most of the refugee’s youth have had little or no access to any education and many pregnant refuges are struggling with financial capability to access to healthcare due to limited income.

Therefore, this project will address the issues on both immediate and more-long term challenge to solve the related problems. Activities held will also foster a better and more constructive relationships between local authorities and local government agencies to establish good working relationships which may be able to pro-actively address some of the issues facing local and refugee communities.

This project aims to benefit women, men and youth from the refugee community in Batu Kawan and Penang, 10 authorities and healthcare workers (men and women), 10 refugee community leaders, 12 refugee women facing health emergency, 12 youths and adults for English classes (female and male) and 10 youths and adults for Malay classes (female and male).

The solution provider of this project is Persatuan Komuniti Berdikari (PKB). The project duration is three months with an allocation of RM30,000.00.

The main SDGs impacted through this solution project are Goal 3 – Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages, Goal 4 – Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all and Goal 17 – Partnership for the goals.