jeli, Kelantan



Project description

The solution project for the villagers in Kampung Jerimbon in Jeli aims to generate income, livelihood and developing human capital through fish breeding.

The big issues faced by the Jerimbong village community are rigid economic activities and slim job opportunities. The focus of this project is to use modern technology by creating jobs and encouraging industry participation through catfish farming.

The project will involve 4 community members in producing products to meet the needs of the industry and increase revenue. The expected outcome of the project is a pilot economy to create jobs by meeting market needs.

The solution project funded by the APPGM-SDG will help to encourage industry participation through catfish farming. Besides, job opportunities will be expanded and economic activities in Kampung Jerimbong will be more stable.

The catfish farming project organised in Kampung Jerimbong, Jeli has the potential to increase employment opportunities in the community.

The project is to benefit the members of Majlis Permuafakatan Mukim, Kampung Jerimbong. The project activities are fish breeding and marketing, and knowledge transfers and capacity building. The solution provider of this project is Majlis Permuafakatan Mukim (MPM). The project duration is six months with an allocation of RM30,000.00.


Project description

The development of the mushroom growing industry in Kampung Orang Asli Sungai Rual, Jeli, could further meet current market demand while also creating new sources of income for the youth.

The project aims to conduct training sessions and operations of planting and producing mushrooms to meet existing market and in turn be able to generate new sources of income.

Participants consist of 5 youths from the Orang Asli community in Sungai Rual, Jeli. With this project, not only the community can learn about agricultural activities, but they can also generate income based on the framework of social enterprise.

The solution project funded by the APPGM-SDG widens and diversifies opportunities, knowledge and skills provided to the community who participate in this program. This will encourage the industry contribution through mushroom cultivation and at the same time create employment opportunities and strengthen economic activities in Sungai Rual Orang Asli Village.

The project is to benefit end youth of Orang Asli at Sungai Rual. The solution provider of this project is Penubuhan Koperasi JAKOA with the collaboration with InsPeK UMK. The project duration is six months with an allocation of RM30,000.00


Project description

The solution project for the residents in Kampung Gunung Reng in Jeli aims to expand economic activities with involvement in ecotourism.

Reliance on current rigid economic activities in Kampung Gunung Reng has resulted in a source of income for the community around Gunong Reng. Gunong Reng has the potential to expand economic activities with involvement in ecotourism.

This project target residents around Mount Reng by providing theoretical and practical training over a period of six months. With the training provided, the communities selected in this project will be able to produce the latest ecotourism products and create job opportunities.

The solution project funded by the APPGM-SDG widens and diversifies opportunities to encourage the community to innovate in the production of the latest ecotourism products and provide greater employment opportunities for local community.

The project is to benefit the residents’ association around Gunung Reng, Jeli. The solution provider of this project is Kawasan Rukun Tetangga (KRT) Gunung Reng. The project duration is six months with an allocation of RM30,000.00.


Project description

The solution project for the community in Kampung Sungai Rual, Jeli aims to encourage the development of the industry with the production of the latest products based on existing traditional knowledge. Study reports around the Rual River found that local wisdom in the form of traditional knowledge in the Orang Asli community has posed an even greater threat to the environment.

To solve this problem, local wisdom needs to be harnessed by exposing Orang Asli women participants to traditional knowledge. The activities organized for this project cover the scope of local wisdom determination, product innovation, digital entrepreneurs and practical markets.

With the proposed project, new products can be produced based on existing traditional knowledge and increase daily income. The solution project funded by the APPGM-SDG widens and diversifies opportunities to overcome the rising cost of living, leveraging the economic potential to provide an alternative sustainable income for the people of Jeli.

The project is to benefit the Orang Asli women in Kampung Sungai Rual. The solution provider of this project is Majlis Pengurusan Komuniti Kampung (MPKK). The project duration is six months with an allocation of RM30,000.00


Project description

The Orang Asli in Kampung Sg. Rual does not have a fixed income other than continuing to survive in their traditional ways such as fishing in the river and collecting forest products. The number of them who possess a farm to cultivate is too small.

Therefore, with the assistance provided such as the gray oyster mushroom enterprise to the Orang Asli youth, this solution project might help them to increase their daily income.

With the construction of mushroom workshops and training provided in this program, participants can produce quality mushroom chunks which in turn make Sungai Rual a hub for the production of oyster mushrooms and chunks.

Apart from that, the residents of Sungai Rual can also produce downstream products from gray oyster mushrooms and can produce compost from used blocks to be used as planting media. In this way, the Orang Asli in Kampung Rual can achieve their objective which is to increase their income and be guaranteed.

The project activities include the beginning to the last steps for mushroom care, that is finding a place for the construction of workshops, purchasing machines, mushroom production training, care training and fertilizer production training.

The project is to benefit Orang Asli Youth in Sungai Rual (men and women). The solution provider of this project is Institut Penyelidikan dan Pengurusan Kemiskinan (InsPeK), Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. The project duration is one year with an allocation of RM50,000.00.

The main SDG impacted through this solution project is SDG 1: No poverty.