Petaling Jaya, Selangor



Project description

The solution project for the villagers in Desa Menteri Block 4, Petaling Jaya aims to help B40 community, single mothers and unemployed residents to expand their knowledge in entrepreneurship program through Women Economic Empowerment platform which focusing on food catering as the core business.

This group will be the first cohort of community entrepreneurs. While being developed as entrepreneurs, they will help to establish this platform and a physical place of activity where new cohorts of potential entrepreneurs from Petaling Jaya can be trained.

The solution project funded by the APPGM-SDG opens up opportunity to B40 communities to involve in entrepreneurship program especially in food catering business. This will later expand to other related business involving trading and event management.

The project is to benefit B40 community, single mothers, small business entrepreneurs and others that cannot find employment. The solution provider of this project is Persatuan Penduduk Petaling Jaya 2017 (MYPJ). The project duration is five (5) months from July to November with an allocation of RM40,000.00.

The main SDGs impacted through this solution project is SDG1: No poverty, SDG5: Gender equality, SDG8: Decent work and SDG10: Reducing inequality.


Project description

The solution project for the children in PPR Lembah Subang 1, Jalan PJU 1A/44, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor aims to support education trainings especially for low-income families.

These programs are focusing on improving basic literacy and numeracy levels as well as to instill a joy of learning amongst the students. A Social Cohesion joint-project is also aimed to run concurrently to promote community unity and harmony amongst the students. The education program for 215 PPR Lembah Subang students are designed to improve the students’ basic reading and numeracy skills while also instilling in them the passion for learning.

The organizations involved in this project aimed to carry out classes independently and continuously, so that they can see improvement in literacy and numeracy levels among the participant.

The project is to benefit 215 children from low-income families. The project activities are focusing on basic literacy and numeracy levels.

The solution provider of this project is Yayasan Generasi Gemilang with collaborations of Stop for the One and Yayasan Amal ASAS. The project duration is five (5) months from August to December with an allocation of RM40,000.00.


Solution project 3

Project description

The solution project funded by APPGM-SDG for the community of Petaling Jaya Parliament aims to strengthen local leadership and establishing a strong platform for effective engagement with local agencies to undertake local issues that mainly focus on two areas which are low-cost housing and PPRs and social welfare.

The objectives of this project are to organize a community dialogue that involves parliamentary representative, local authorities and state government agencies to identify the key delivery issues for housing and welfare.

In additional, inter-agency dialogue with key local government agencies will be organized to address specific issues identified in the community dialogue. The third objective is to have a dialogue session with parliamentary representative to discuss the solutions and way forward to address the way forward as an action plan.

The activities proposed in this project covers a few follow up session on the action plan.

The project is to benefit community leaders, local government agency officers and resident’s associations / RTs in Petaling Jaya. The solution provider of this project is Pertubuhan Pembangunan Komuniti dan Pembelajaran Berterusan. The project duration is five (5) months from August to December with an allocation of RM20,000.00.


Project description

Covid-19 Pandemic that occurs in our country causes a lot of challenges and issues to the community and especially towards our frontliners. The solution project funded by the APPGM-SDG introduced National Virus Crisis Management Guidelines Tool Kits as a first nationwide integrated virus crisis management response system.

The solution project for the community in Petaling Jaya aims to establish a first guide that can be used as a nationwide and integrated referral system for virus crisis management. In order to improve the holistic services provided by related parties, miscommunication can be prevented by building up and enhance the connection and collaboration in different stakeholders, frontliners and communities due to big involvement from various parties.

The project is to benefit frontliners; i.e: Government agencies, non-government agencies, community leaders, students and teachers at educational instituitions in Petaling Jaya. The project activities include data collection, utilizing the online platform by digitalize the guide, and at last the distributions to the communities in Petaling Jaya. The solution provider of this project is PPR Petaling Jaya. The project duration is five (5) months from August to December 2020 with an allocation of RM20,000.00.


Project description

The solution project in the Federal constituency of P105 Petaling Jaya aims to enhance literacy among elementary and secondary students as well as eliminate educational difficulties and disparities.

The goal of this project is to provide free, equitable and quality education to improve the literacy of primary and secondary students in Petaling Jaya. The next one is to eliminate the difficulty and disparity in education to ensure students in Petaling Jaya had equal access to all levels of education and achieve a functional level of literacy. The last goal of this project is to empower and promote social and economic inclusion of the community, irrespective of race, religion, social-economic status or gender.

The activity of this project includes the commencement of classes for English and Bahasa Malaysia, pre-test evaluation to monitor the ability of students to read, write and speak in English or Bahasa, training for volunteer teachers, and post-test evaluations up until the recruitment of students and volunteer for the second batch.

By the establishment of the tuition classes, children from B40 communities can get free educations which leads to relevant and effective learning outcomes. The solution project funded by the APPGM-SDG also will empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all.

The solution provider of this project is PERSATUAN KOMUNITI MAMPAN PETALING JAYA (PKMPJ) @ Persatuan Penggerak Rakyat Petaling Jaya. The project duration is five (5) months with an allocation of RM25,000.00.

The main SDGs impacted through this solution project are Goal 4 – Quality Educations and Goal 10 – Reduced Inequalities.


Project description

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact on Malaysia’s economy. In between, there are many people who lost their regular source of income to support their families. The P105 Petaling Jaya MP’s Office also found, that there were many women especially housewives who started businesses from home to support their husbands and families.

In this regard, the solution project funded by APPGM took the initiative to introduce the sale of easy and stable products for the affected group, especially women from B40 around Petaling Jaya.

Participants will be provided with skills training and self-development such as Facebook Marketing Training, Financial Management Training, How to Start a Business Training from Home and so on to help them have the ability to stand on their own to grow their business.

At the end of this project, each of these women will be able to continue the business from their home and achieve continuous and growing sales revenue where which will indirectly, improve their household economy.

The solution provider of this project is PERSATUAN KOMUNITIMAMPAN PETALING JAYA (PKMPJ) @ Persatuan Penggerak Rakyat Petaling Jaya. The project duration is five months with an allocation of RM25,000.00.

The main SDGs impacted through this solution project is Goal 1 – Zero Hunger and Goal 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth.