Kuala Selangor, Selangor



Project description

The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated an expansion of E-Commerce market growth in Malaysia with an estimate to register 24.7% growth in 2020 and is expected to be on growth momentum going forward. SMEs make up 99% of business establishment in Malaysia with 76.5% classified as micro-entrepreneurs.

Despite being the backbone of Malaysia’s business environment, SMEs have yet to utilize online marketplace due to lack of digital literacy, employee skillset and inadequate technology which undoubtedly has significant implication for micro-entrepreneurs’ performance and survival during the MCO.

Online Marketplace Masterclass aim to overcome these challenges by providing an extensive training from basic E-Commerce and how to start selling on marketplace by covering basic of the platform from setting up a shop to marketing and optimization in a simplified and streamlined manner.

The project is to benefit 30 micro entrepreneurs from various industries such as tourism, fisheries, arts and crafts industry in Kuala Selangor. The solution provider of this project is Pertubuhan Pembangunan Intelektual Malaysia. The project duration is four months with an allocation of RM30,320.00.

The main SDGs impacted through this solution project is Goal 1 – End poverty in all its form everywhere, Goal 4 – Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all, Goal 8 – Promote sustainable, inclusive and economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, Goal 9 – Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation and Goal 10 – Reduce inequality within and among countries.


Project description

Currently, the knowledge of the local people in Kg. Bukit Cherakah to use internet technology for digital business or digital marketing is still limited. This project objective is to empower the youth as a local guide to promote business in their village and to empower entrepreneurs to develop their business digital contents. This project can be conducted using mobile phone and using mobile data to access internet.

The project can be divided into two phases; Phase 1 is to empower 10 youths as local guide using Google My Business (GMB) and Google Maps Local Guides. The 10 Trained Local Guides will conduct business mapping for 100 local entrepreneurs. Each trained youth will empower other 10 youth as local guide.

Phase 2 is to empower 10 entrepreneurs to develop their business digital contents using a website, video editing, photo editing and social media (Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp).

The skills transferred to participants will make this project sustained in the long term. The youth and entrepreneurs that had been trained can be the local champion.

The solution provider of this project is Universiti Selangor. The project duration is four (4) months with an allocation of RM26,720.00.

The main SDGs impacted through this solution project are Goal 1 – End poverty in all its form everywhere, Goal 5 – Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, Goal 8 – Promote sustainable, inclusive and economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, Goal 10 – Reduce inequality within and among countries and Goal 17 – Partnership for the goals.


Project description

The aims of this project are to develop livelihoods for B40 Indian community in Desa Coalfields by developing a communal micro farm. This project also targets to skill 20 individuals on how to plan, grow, manage the micro farm and decide how the produce is consumed or sold. Furthermore, support will be provided to the community over time to encourage sustained efforts and independence.

The activities of this project include proposal submission, workshops to establish micro-farm, plant growth monitoring and operations. Small Scale Community Learning Subsistence Farm intends to generate work opportunities for the B40 Indian community in Desa Coalfields by establishing a communal micro farm.

The solution project funded by the APPGM-SDG will give exposure to participatory decision making which will aid in stakeholder engagement with other government agencies in line with bridging SDG gaps.

The project is to benefit 20 Desa Coalfields residents who are either former estate community or second-generation former estate community members – retirees, housewives and youth.

The solution provider of this project is RESTORE (Pertubuhan Pemulihan Ekologi dan Kepelbagaian Biologi Malaysia). The project duration is two months with an allocation of RM30,960.00.

The main SDGs impacted through this solution project are Goal 1 – Poverty elevation, Goal 2 – End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture, Goal 8 – Economic Growth & Employment, Goal 12 – Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns and Goal 16 – Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice.


Project description

Currently, the community of Kg Bukit Badong have trained local women in Eco-Therapy product called Kokedama. Thus, the trained local women are needed to be upskilled to be Eco-Therapy Trainer so that they can generate income through therapy session in the future.

Ecotherapy is an approach that rests on the idea that people have a deep connection to their environment and to the earth itself. In this same line of thinking, failing to nurture this connection can take a toll on their well-being, particularly their mental health.

The project can be divided into 3 phases which are; First phase is to empower 10 participants to be expert in craft plant port. Phase 2 is to establish Digital Marketing Strategist, to market their own products and services. The last phase is to establish an eco-therapist certified and they can conduct their own sessions.

Beneficiaries will be 10 women in the village (aged between 20 – 45 y/o) who participates, including family members in their household from the income-generated through this program.

The solution provider of this project is Universiti Selangor. The project duration is four months with an allocation of RM32,000.00.

The main SDGs impacted through this solution project are Goal 1 – End poverty in all its form everywhere, Goal 3 – Good health and Well- Being, Goal 4 – Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all and Goal 8 – Promote sustainable, inclusive and economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.