Our world faces complex challenges such as poverty and inequality, becoming a refugee or a stateless person and environmental degradation. These concerns also impact large sections of Malaysian society. These concerns and issues are deeply interconnected, requiring multifaceted solutions which build on the resilience of individual and communities in addressing the systemic and structural concerns.
We believe that true progress hinges on empowering individuals and communities to become active participants in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We envision a future where communities are not just recipients of aid, but champions driving positive change and shaping a more sustainable and equitable future.
MySDG Academy (the Training Centre of APPGM-SDG) proudly presents the MySDG Conference 2024: “Building Resilience: From Beneficiaries to SDGs Champions”. This year’s conference provides opportunities for storytelling, case studies, commentaries, and research papers on three sub thematic areas in three cities of Malaysia:
- Poverty & Poor Communities (To be held in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah)
- Stateless and Refugees (To be held in Penang)
- Environmental Concerns and Local Communities (To be held in Kuching, Sarawak)
From beneficiaries to sdg champions
This conference envisions Malaysia where individuals and communities join hands to improve the lives of poor communities, advocate for a place for refugees and stateless persons and communities as well as become good stewards of their environment. The objective is to enable citizens to shift from being a recipient to becoming an agent of change.
We seek to empower SDGs champions who:
- Advocate for themselves and their communities: Participate in decision-making processes and hold authorities accountable.
- Share knowledge and best practices: Build networks and support systems within and across communities.
- Develop innovative solutions: Identify and implement context-specific strategies to address challenges.
- Inspire and motivate others: Advocate for change and mobilise communities to work towards building resilient communities.
We invite diverse stakeholders – government servants, community leaders, policymakers, parliamentarians, academics, researchers, businesses community and CSO-NGOs, to join us in this transformative journey.
This conference is not just about understanding challenges; it is about empowering individuals and communities to become active agents of change, transitioning from passive beneficiaries to SDGs champions.

guiding questions
This set of questions aims to guide your exploration of the three main themes in Malaysia, encouraging reflection on both current initiatives and future possibilities. Consider these questions as a framework for understanding the existing landscape, identifying community strengths and challenges, and proposing concrete strategies for progress.
Part 1 (based on your Story/Experience/Research):
What are the existing government and civil society initiatives addressing the issues in Malaysia?
What are the best practices taken by your community in facing the issues?
What are the most pressing challenges faced by your community to overcome the issues?
Part 2 (your Suggestions/Takeaways):
What are your expectation on the likelihood of resolving these issues in Malaysia?
What role can civil society and communities play in supporting the issues?
How is SDGs involved with your work/research?
How is resilient reflected in your work/research?
How can we advocate for change and mobilise communities to work towards building resilient communities?
writing guidelines
As in 2022 and 2023, we undertook a publishing of all the papers in proceeding documents. We encourage you to take time to write the paper using the following guidelines. All sharing is valid and therefore, call you to take one of the approaches for the presentation of your papers. In addition to the proceeding document, selected papers will be published after peer review in a book on the theme of the MySDG Conference 2024.
There are four writing formats:
1) Storytelling: Share your experience in addressing one of the sub thematic areas. This is a narrative writing and requires no footnotes or reference. The writer must address the theme and also linking with the SDGs. The write up can be in 1,000 to 2,000 words.
2) Case studies: This is a specific topic or group where a background is provided, the issues concern and the interventions addressed. Writer must focus on a concrete example and draw lessons with references to the theme and SDGs. The write up can be in 2,000 to 3,500 words.
3) Commentaries: This is a thematic approach taking thoughts and ideas on the topics and drawing from secondary literature. Paper must have references to books and articles on the theme. The write up can be in 2,500 to 4,500 words.
4) Research paper: These are academic papers undertaken with a clear problem statement, methodology, analysis, finding and conclusion. This must be well researched. The write up can be in 5,000 to 7,000 words.
Please submit a 250-300-word abstract.
Articles could be in Bahasa Malaysia or English.

APPGM-SDG is a bi-partisan initiative with the mission of implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in parliamentary constituencies. The implementation process involves through analyse of pertinent issues and development of corresponding solutions, as well as policy research and facilitation of multi-stakeholder partnerships. This includes raising awareness and building capacity at the local level. From 2020 to 2024, we have successfully carried out localisation efforts in 115 parliamentary constituencies.

MySDG Academy is the training centre of the APPGM-SDG Secretariat. MySDG Academy is an educational and knowledge-sharing hub for SDG practitioners and scholars. We believe in creating a friendly environment that encourages people to research, read, publish, and share their experiences and lessons learned in sustainable development. MySDG Academy is established under Persatuan Promosi Matlamat Pembangunan Lestari.

Institute for Development Studies (IDS) Sabah is an autonomous, nonprofit research organization established by the state government of Sabah in Malaysia and serves as a think tank to the government.
Contact us
The conference participation fee, and accommodation as well as F&B during the event days are fully sponsored.
We are open to hearing views from the private sector and social enterprises who are undertaking responsible business practices, including CSR and ESG, which are clearly aligned with the SDGs too.
For more information, please contact us at:
1) MySDG Academy (mysdg.academy@gmail.com)
2) Ms. Hirza (hirza@appgm-sdg-com)
3) Ms. Zoel (zoelng@appgm-sdg-com)