Fifty Six (56) people are identified to play a role in the APPGM-SDG Secretariat. Unlike in 2020 and 2021 where key positions were held by volunteers, a bulk of work shall be undertaken by full-time staff due to the work demands and dateline. However, we do recognize that expert input and experience are among many academics and senior civil society partners; therefore, their role is essential.
The Secretariat operates not in a hierarchical way but in a flat level of leadership structure with consultation and support. Senior members of the team who are subject experts are also custodians of the localizing SDGs project.
Head of Secretariat Department
Deputy Director,
Mapping Unit
Deputy Director & Head
of Southern Zone
Mapping Unit
Policy Solutions Department
Parliamentary Policy Advocacy Department
Project Management Department
Corporate Communication Department & MySDG Academy
Senior Director,
Human Resources & Administration, MySDG Centre for Environment Society